Journal Articles
Last Updated: April, 30, 2020
Bird, S. and Gick, B. Ultrasound biofeedback in pronunciation teaching and learning. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh). Aizu, Japan: University of Aizu. 5-11. 2018.
Bliss, H., S. Bird, PEPAḴIYE A. Cooper, S. Burton, and B. Gick. 2018 Seeing Speech: Ultrasound-based Multimedia Resources for Pronunciation Learning in Indigenous Languages. Language Documentation & Conservation 12: 318-338.
Bliss, H., J. Abel, and B. Gick. 2018. Computer-Assisted Visual Articulation Feedback in L2 Pronunciation Instruction: A Review. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 4(1): 129-153.
Bliss, H., K. Johnson, S. Burton, N. Yamane, and B. Gick. 2017. Using Multimedia Resources to Integrate Ultrasound Visualization for Pronunciation Instruction into Postsecondary Language Classes. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 8(2): 173-188.
Percival, M., H Bliss, and M. Schellenberg. 2017. Methodological Trade-Offs for Dual-Purpose Phonetic Fieldwork. Canadian Acoustics 45(3): 184-185.
Bliss, H., S. Burton, and B. Gick. 2016. Ultrasound Overlay Videos and their Application in Indigenous Language Learning and Revitalization. Canadian Acoustics 44(3): 136-37.
Abel, J., B. Allen, S. Burton, M. Kazama, M. Noguchi, A. Tsuda, N. Yamane, and B. Gick. 2015. Ultrasound-Enhanced Multimodal Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of Acoustics Week in Canada. Canadian Acoustics 43(3). 124-125.
Gick, B. Bernhardt, B.M., Bacsfalvi, P. and Wilson, I. Ultrasound imaging applications in second language acquisition. In J. Hansen & M. Zampini (eds.) Phonology and Second Language Acquisition. Ch. 11, pp. 309-322. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2008.
Conference Proceedings
Bliss, H., L. Cheng, Z. Lam, R. Pai, M. Schellenberg, and B. Gick. 2017. Ultrasound Technology and its Role in Cantonese Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, ed. by Mary O’Brien and John Levis, 33-46.
Abel, J., Bliss, H., Gick, B., Noguchi, M., Schellenberg, M., and Yamane, N. 2017. Comparing Instructional Reinforcements in Phonetics Pedagogy. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, ed. by Toshiko Isei-Jaakkola.
Kazama, M., Noguchi, M., Yamane, N., Bliss, H., Kim, B., & Gick, B. 2016. 日本語イントネーション・オンライン学 教材による反転授業. Intonation learning for Japanese L2 learners: A Flipped Classroom Approach. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education, pp.125-133.
Yamane, N., Howson, P., and Wei, P. 2015. An Ultrasound Examination of Taps in Japanese, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, ed. by The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4.
Yonemoto, K., Noguchi, M., Hayashi, H., Tsuda, A., & Yamane, N. 2014. 超音波映像を応用した日本語発音指導の可能性 Ultrasound Application to the Empowerment of Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education, 2014, Montreal, ON. Retrieved from
Conference Presentations and Posters
Percival, M., H. Bliss, and M. Schellenberg. 2017. Methodological Trade-Offs for Dual-Purpose Phonetic Fieldwork. Paper accepted for presentation at Acoustics Week in Canada. Guelph, Ontario: October 11-13, 2017. [abstract]
Bird, S., H. Bliss, and B. Gick. 2017. Visualizing Speech in a Classroom Setting Using Interactive Ultrasound Imaging. 60-minute workshop presented at the 2017 PSLLT Research Methods Workshop. Salt Lake City, University of Utah: August 31, 2017. [slides]
Bliss, H., S. Bird, S. Burton, and B. Gick. 2017. Seeing Speech: A Pronunciation Toolkit for Indigenous Language Teaching and Learning. E-poster presented at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. University of Hawaii at Manoa, March 2017. [abstract][slides]
Cheng, L., with H. Bliss, M. Schellenberg and B. Gick. 2017. Ultrasound Overlay Videos: Testing its Effectiveness for Teaching L2 Cantonese Sound Contrasts. Poster presented at LSURC: Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, February 2-3, 2017. [poster]
Bliss, H., S. Bird, and B. Gick. 2016. Developing Ultrasound Overlay Videos for SENĆOŦEN Learners. Poster presented at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan. Honolulu, HI: November 28-December 2, 2016. [abstract][poster]
Bliss, H., S. Burton, and B. Gick. 2016. Ultrasound Overlay Videos and their Application in Indigenous Language Learning and Revitalization. Paper presented at Acoustics Week in Canada. Vancouver, BC: September 21-23, 2016. [abstract][slides]
Bliss, H., L. Cheng, Z. Lam, R. Pai, M. Schellenberg, and B. Gick. Ultrasound Technology and its Role in Cantonese Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT). Calgary, AB: University of Calgary, August 12-13, 2016. [abstract][slides]
Kazama, M., N. Yamane, M. Noguchi, B. Kim, H. Bliss, and B. Gick. 日本語イントネーション・オンライン学 教材による反転授業. Intonation learning for Japanese L2 learners: A Flipped Classroom Approach. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education (CAJLE 2016). Niagara Falls, ON: August 17-18, 2016. [abstract][slides]
Abel, J., H. Bliss, B. Gick, M. Noguchi, M. Schellenberg, and N. Yamane. 2016. Comparing Instructional Reinforcements in Phonetics Pedagogy. Paper presented at the 1st International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. Nagoya, Japan: March 25-28, 2016.
Noriko Yamane, Phil Howson, Masaki Noguchi, and Bryan Gick. 2016. “When dynamics conflict: Flap dynamics and palatalization in Japanese“, LabPhon15: Speech Dynamics and Phonological Representation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, July 13-16, 2016.
Abel, J., B. Allen, S. Burton, M. Kazama, M. Noguchi, A. Tsuda, N. Yamane, and B. Gick. 2015. Ultrasound-Enhanced Multimodal Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at Acoustics Week in Canada. Halifax, NS. October 2015.
Noguchi, M., Yamane, N., Tsuda, A., Kazama, M., Kim, B. and Gick, B. 2015. Towards protocols for L2 pronunciation training using ultrasound imaging. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference, Dallas, Texas. October 2015.
Tsuda, A., Kim, B., Gick, B, Kazama, M., Yamane, N, & Burton, S. 2015. Ultrasound-integrated pronunciation tutorials. Roundtable discussion presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Vancouver, BC.
Tsuda, A., K. Yonemoto, & H. Hayashi. 2015. Teaching pronunciation using the online pronunciation learning website eNunciate!. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, Vancouver, BC.
Tsuda, A., K. Yonemoto, & H. Hayashi. 2015. オンライン発音学習教材の効果と意義―音声研究の成果の応用可能性 [Meanings and effects of online pronunciation learning material: Possibilities of applying the outcomes of speech research.] Paper presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the American Association of Teachings of Japanese. Chicago, Illinois.
Yamane, N., Abel, J., Allen, B., Burton, S., Kazama, M., Noguchi, M., Tsuda, A. and Gick, B. 2015. Ultrasound-integrated pronunciation teaching and learning. Ultrafest VII, University of Hong Kong.
Yonemoto, K., Noguchi, M., Hayashi, H., Tsuda, A., & Yamane, N. 2014. 超音波映像を応用した日本語発音指導の可能性 [Ultrasound Application to the Empowerment of Pronunciation Teaching and Learning.] Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education. Montreal, ON.
Yonemoto, K. 2014. Flipped Learningを取り入れた音声指導の試み [Implementing flipped learning into phonetics education.] Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium for Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Bird, S., H. Bliss, and T. Nolan. 2018. Ultrasounding It Out: Speech Visualization in Language Learning Research. Presentation and Workshop at Ideafest. University of Victoria, March 7, 2018. [slides]
Kazama, M., and B. Kim. 2016. Promoting Active Learning for Japanese Pronunciation through Flipped Learning. Presentation at the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) Summer Institute. University of British Columbia, August 22-25, 2016. [slides]
Bliss, H., S. Burton, B. Kim, B. Allen, and B. Gick. 2016. eNunciate! Empowering Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Poster presentation at the TLEF Showcase, Celebrate Learning Week. University of British Columbia, May 5, 2016.
Bliss, H., S. Burton, B. Kim, M. Kazama, B. Allen, and B. Gick. Empowering Pronunciation Teaching and Learning with the Use of Ultrasound Technology and Prosody Visualization. 2-hour interactive workshop given at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) Spring Institute. University of British Columbia, May 2, 2016. [slides]